
Resarch and Investigation



Secret Machine (Scorpion) Come. Thunderbirds Are Go! 秘密兵器「蠍」登場。 [Saturday, March 19, 2011] Draining water off is planned to the nuclear power plant from 58m on the ground. A government and new machine parts are procured. 原発に地…


Hyper Rescue Teams Marching On Nuclear Plant. [Friday, March 18, 2011] JSDF (Japanese Self-Defence Forces) activate fighter (Fire engine for chemical fire) against nuclear plant.As a result, draining water of the Japanese Self-Defense Forc…


JSDF(Japanese Self-Defence Forces) went to the nuclear reactor to be extinguished. The helicopter scattered seawater from the sky. As a result, the amount of the radiation fell. After that, special fire engine has drained water off from th…


I Can't Stand Losing You. [Wednesday, March 16, 2011] It is snowing in Tohoku. They are living at a very cold night. [Japan Says 2nd Reactor May Have Ruptured With Radioactive Release] http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/17/world/asia/17nuclear…


"Fight Japan, Fight Tohoku." Tohoku is a region in the north of Japan. Fight Against Earthquake, Fight Against Tsunami. [Friday, March 11, 2011] The office building shook ..intensely... Earthquake occurred at afternoon.Magnitude 9.0, Miyag…